2019 Colloquium Schedule
Twenty-Third Annual Classics Graduate Student Colloquium
Vox Populi: Populism and Popular Culture
in Ancient Greece and Rome
March 30, 2019
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA
Schedule of Events
All papers will be in Minor Hall 125.
09:00 - 10:00: Breakfast in Minor Hall
10:00 - 11:30: Greek Populism on the Political Stage
“Heed My Decree, People of Athens:”
Solon’s Elegy and Aeschylus’ Democratic Advocacy
William Bruckel, Boston University
Arbitration in Hellenistic Athens:
Reading Menander’s Epitrepontes as Legal History
Anthony Sciubba, Emory University
11:15 - 11:30: Coffee Break
11:30 - 12:30: Popular Morality in Ancient Rome
The “People’s Voice” in Republican Rome:
Between Volksjustiz and Normativity
Jordan Rogers
University of Pennsylvania
Ego et populus mecum?
Horace and the Crowd in Satires 1
Matt Pincus
University of Virginia
12:30 - 02:15: Lunch
02:30 - 04:00: Beyond Rome: Populism
and Popular Culture in Italy and the Provinces
An Augustan Model for Populism in Pompeii
Joe Sheppard
Columbia University
Drunk in Love: Who’s Afraid of a Spiritual Marriage?
Jeannie Sellick
University of Virginia
Who Speaks for the City? A Speech by Libanios
of Antioch against Theater Acclamations
Cosimo Paravano
Scuola Normale Superiore
04:00 - 04:15: Coffee Break
04:15 – 05:15: Keynote Address
Vox Populi: the sound of Latin at Oxyrhynchus
Kathleen Coleman
Harvard University
A reception will follow the keynote in Minor Hall.
We would like to thank the following sponsors, without whose generous support the colloquium would not have been possible:
The Dean’s Discretionary Fund, The Department of Classics
The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Council, The Dissecting Cultural Pluralism Lab
The Institute for World Languages, The Corcoran Department of Philosophy
The Department of Politics, The Department of English
The McIntire Department of Art, The Medieval Studies Program
The Department of French, The Jewish Studies Program
The Department of Religious Studies/VCSR, The Interdisciplinary Archaeology Program
Department of Classics, University of Virginia