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Support Us

David Mankin (PhD 1985) has issued a challenge to match up to $5,000 for the L.T. Brown Fund to support Graduate Study in Classics.  You may designate your gift to meet this challenge by clicking on the link below.

Giving to the Department of Classics

Your tax-deductible contribution to the Classics Department is a much appreciated pledge of support for our program. As state funding continues to diminish, private funds become ever more crucial to keeping our Department among the very best.

What Your Gift Can Do

Your generous support for the Department of Classics helps to meet a wide variety of financial needs. You enrich the study of Latin, Greek, and classical culture at the University by funding resources for students and by providing opportunities beyond the classroom, both academic and social.

Constantine Library of Classical Studies

The James S. Constantine Library continues to be the heart and soul of the Department. This well appointed reading room for Classics majors, graduate students, and faculty houses a collection of texts, commentaries, monographs, and reference works, as well as computers for general use. Only your donations keep the Constantine Library up to date.

Classical Events On Grounds

Your support brings leading classical scholars to the University to present lectures and seminars and to meet with students over lunch and at receptions. Donors to the Department support the activities of the Classics Club, the annual Classics Graduate Student Conference, and many other departmental events.

Travel and Research

Gifts enable Classics students to study abroad in the classical lands, conduct independent projects, and travel to present papers at professional meetings. Support for faculty research and travel to conferences and professional meetings is also sorely needed. In supporting such activities your gifts can contribute to the vitality and engagement of the Department.

How to Give

You may be assured that your donation to the Classics Fund will make an impact on the Department. All gifts are deeply appreciated.

Give to the Classics Fund now through this secure site.

If you wish your gift to be targeted to a particular purpose, please contact the Chair of the Department of Classics, Ivana Petrovic