Requirements, Exams, Reading Lists
For requirements for the M.A., Ph.D. and reading lists, please consult the Graduate Student Handbook
(for more information, see the Graduate Student Handbook):
The two-year M.A. program comprises the following:
1. Thirty hours of graduate-level coursework (numbered 5000 or above), of which at least eighteen hours must be courses in Greek and Latin taken in the Department. No more than six hours of directed research may be counted toward this total.
2. Preliminary translation exam in Greek or Latin
3. Translation exam in one Modern Research Language
4. Greek or Roman history requirement:
The History requirement may be fulfilled in one of two ways:
a. If students audit HIEU 2031 or 2041 (Survey of Greek or Roman History, respectively) and pass both the midterm and final exams with an average grade of B (83%) on both together, the corresponding departmental history exam will be waived.
b. A two-hour departmental exam on the history of Greece from the Mycenaean Age to the death of Alexander OR on the history of Rome from the origins to the death of Constantine.
5. Proficiency requirement in the second classical language.
(for more information, see the Graduate Student Handbook):
The Ph.D. program, for which an M.A. in the field of Classics (either from the University of Virginia or, less usually, from elsewhere) is required, comprises the following:
1. A minimum of ten graduate courses (30 semester hours) beyond the eight courses required for the M.A. Of these ten courses, at least seven must be courses in Greek and Latin taken in the Department.
2. Modern Research Language Examinations
Ph.D. candidates must pass two examinations (one of which will normally have been taken for the M.A.) testing their reading knowledge of modern research languages. (The examinations are described above under the M.A. requirements.) One of the languages offered must be German.
3. Written Exams in Greek and Roman History (Students who have already been granted the M.A. at Virginia will have completed one of these requirements already and need to satisfy only the remaining half; they may be fulfilled either by the written exam or the audit procedure as detailed above.)
4. Ph.D. General Examinations
a. Translation Exams in Greek and Latin
b. Commentary Exam on a pre-selected author
c. The Ph.D. Oral Examination
5. Dissertation Prospectus
6. Dissertation
7. Final Oral Examination