Summer Latin Institute
In the summer the Department of Classics at the University of Virginia offers Latin as one of the University's Summer Language Institutes. The Latin program is an intensive course designed to cover two years of college-level Latin (12 UVa credit hours earned). Students who wish to acquire experience in reading Latin but do not require course credit may also choose a non-credit option. No previous knowledge of Latin is required for participation. The Summer Latin Institute is an excellent opportunity for motivated students to achieve rapid proficiency in Latin, but also serves as a wonderful review for the experienced.
The Institute begins with the fundamentals of Latin grammar, including elementary readings and composition. In the second half of the program, students read extensively from prose and verse authors at the intermediate level, in addition to completing more advanced exercises in prose composition and metrics. There are six hours of formal instruction per day and supplementary review sessions in the evening. Attendance in class is required of all students, regardless of whether they are enrolled for credit or non-credit. Furthermore, every student, regardless of type of enrollment, must earn a passing grade in each class of the first half of the SLI in order to participate in the second half of the program. However, students who have already mastered first-year college Latin (or its equivalent) may apply to join the Institute exclusively for its second half. Eligibility for this option is at the discretion of the Director.
The Summer Latin Institute courses and their UVA college-level equivalents are:
Intensive Introductory Latin: LATI 1016-1026 (credit) or LATI 116-126 (non-credit) - equivalent to LATI 1010-1020 (Elementary Latin I and II)
Intensive Introductory Latin: LATI 2016-2026 (credit) or LATI 216-226 (non-credit) - equivalent to LATI 2010-2020 (Intermediate Latin I and II)
For additional information on the Summer Latin Institute, please contact the director: Sarah Herbert