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Lucian's Laughing Gods: Religion, Philosophy, and Popular Culture in the Roman East
Inger N.I. Kuin
University of Michigan Press (2023)
Inger N.I. Kuin
Rakuten Kobo (2022)
Amor Belli: Love and Strife in Lucan's Bellum Civile
Giulio Celotto
University of Michigan Press (2022)
Documentality: New Approaches to Written Documents in Imperial Life and Literature
Jacqueline Arthur-Montagne
De Gruyter (2022)
After the Crisis: Remembrance, Re-anchoring and Recovery in Ancient Greece and Rome
Congratulations to Jackie Arthur-Montagne and Inger Kuin!
Bloomsbury Publishing (2020)
How Dead Languages Work
Coulter George
Oxford (2020)
Euripides: "Troades"
David Kovacs
Oxford University Press (2019)
Greece & Rome Journal
New edited volume by Ivana and Andrej Petrovic!
Horace: Odes with Carmen Saeculare
Anthony Corbeill
Hackett Publishing (2018)
The Materiality of Text: Placement, Perception, and Presence of Inscribed Texts in Classical Antiquity
New edited volume by Ivana and Andrej Petrovic!
Brill (2018)
Archaic and Classical Greek Epigram
New edited volume by Ivana and Andrej Petrovic!
CUP (2016)
Inner Purity and Pollution in Greek Religion
New Book Announcement: Ivana and Andrej Petrovic
Oxford (2016)
New Aspects of Religion in Ancient Athens: Honors, Authorities, Esthetics, and Society
Jon Mikalson
Brill (2016)
Lost Histories. Selected Fragments of Roman Historical Writers.: Histos Supplementary Volume 2
Sexing the World: Grammatical Gender and Biological Sex in Ancient Rome
Anthony Corbeill
Princeton UP (2015)
A Handbook to the Reception of Ovid
John F. Miller
Wiley/Blackwell (2014)
Tacitus: Agricola
A. J. Woodman
Cambridge (2014)
The End of Sophocles' Oedipus Tyrannus: the sceptical case restated
Journal of Hellenic Studies 134 (2014) 56-65 (2014)
Clio's Other Sons: Berossus & Manetho
John Dillery
University of Michigan Press (2014)
Expressions of Time in Ancient Greek
Coulter George
Cambridge (2014)
Xenophon and the History of His Times
John Dillery
Routledge (1995) (2013)
Catullus: Poems, Books, Readers
A. J. Woodman
Cambridge (2012)
From Poetry to History
A. J. Woodman
Oxford (2012)
Homer's Trojan Theater
Jenny Strauss Clay
Cambridge (2011)
Nature Embodied: Gesture in Ancient Rome
Anthony Corbeill
Princeton UP (2010)
Quality and Pleasure in Latin Poetry
A. J. Woodman
Cambridge (2010)
Cicero's Pro Caelio
Jane Crawford
Focus Publishing (2010)
Greek Popular Religion in Greek Philosophy
Jon Mikalson
Oxford (2010)
Latin Historiography and Poetry in the Early Empire: Generic Interactions
A. J. Woodman
Brill (2010)
Apollo, Augustus, and the Poets
John F. Miller
Cambridge (2009)
Ovid: Metamorphoses Book XIV
K. Sara Myers
Cambridge (2009)
Kommentar zu den simonideischen Versinschriften
Andrej Petrovic
Von den Toren des Hades zu den Hallen des Olymp. Artemiskult bei Theokrit und Kallimachos
Ivana Petrovic