Andrej Petrovic
Office Address: Cocke Hall B011
Andrej Petrovic is a Professor of Classics and editor of the Greece and Rome journal. He is the author of Kommentar zu den Simonideischen Versinschriften (Brill, 2007), the co-author of Inner Purity and Pollution in Greek Religion: vol. I, Early Greek Religion, (Oxford 2016, with Ivana Petrovic), co-editor of Archaic and Classical Greek Epigram (Cambridge, 2010, pb 2016), and of The Materiality of Texts (Brill, 2018), as well as author of numerous articles on Greek epigraphy, religion, magic, cultural and literary history. He is currently working on the second volume of Inner Purity and Pollution, on Hellenistic verse-inscriptions, Greek sacred regulations, and cults and representations of bound divinities.
Research Interests
Greek epigraphy, Greek religion, and Greek culture and literature (esp. epigram, elegy, and Greek inscriptional poetry).
Following publication of Inner Purity and Pollution in Greek Religion. Volume I. Early Greek Religion (2016), together with Ivana Petrovic Andrej is working on volume II which explores concepts of inner purity and pollution in various intercultural dialogues and interactions within wider Mediterranean context (esp. Egyptian, Jewish, and Christian) of the Hellenistic and Imperial period. He is particularly interested in normative aspects of Greek religion and in the so-called "sacred laws", predominantly inscriptional texts which detail rules of various Greek rituals, from sacrifices to festivals, and in the cults and narratives concerning bound or otherwise impeded divinities.
He has a long standing interest in Greek inscriptional poetry, a booming field which has over the past few years brought forth some truly spectacular new texts that have redefined many of our earlier assumptions about Greek literature more generally.
Selected Publications
- Inner Purity and Pollution in Greek Religion. Volume I. Early Greek Religion. Oxford et al.: Oxford University Press, co-authored with Ivana Petrovic, 2016.
- Kommentar zu den simonideischen Versinschriften. Leiden / Boston: Brill Academic Publishers, 2007.
Edited volumes
- The Materiality of Text: Placements, Presences and Perceptions of Inscribed Texts in Classical Antiquity, co-edited with I. Petrovic and E. Thomas. Studies in Greek and Roman Epigraphy Series 11, Leiden/Boston: Brill Academic Publishers, 2019.
- Archaic and Classical Greek Epigram. Contextualisation and Literarisation. Co-ed. with M. Baumbach and I. Petrovic. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010, paperback 2016.
- "Hesiod’s religious norms in context: on W&D 724-760," (with I. Petrovic), Kernos 2022, 185-232.
- "Intermédialite: épigramme grecque & latine", (with M. Dinter), in: C. Urlacher-Becht (ed.), Dictionnaire de l'épigramme littéraire dans l'Antiquité grecque et romaine. 2 volumes. Brepols 2022, 789-798.
- "Simonide de Céos", in: C. Urlacher-Becht (ed.), Dictionnaire de l'épigramme littéraire dans l'Antiquité grecque et romaine. 2 volumes. Brepols 2022, 1380-1385.
- "Wonder and Surprise as Responses to Art: Beischriften and the Drama of Cognition", in: N. Dietrich / J. Fouquet (eds.), Image, Text, Stone: Intermedial Perspectives on Graeco-Roman Sculpture, MTK 36, De Gruyter 2022, 17-40.
- Various contributions to J. Mikalson, with A. and I. Petrovic, Ancient Greek Religion, 3rd edition, Wiley-Blackwell 2021.
- "Scapegoat" in: Bagnall, R., Brodersen, K., Champion, C.B., Erskine, A. & Huebner, S.R., The Encyclopedia of Ancient History. Blackwell Publishing 2021.
- "Lessons in Reading and Ideology: On Greek Epigrams in Private Compilations of the Hellenistic Age", in: M. Kanellou / I. Petrovic / C. Carey (eds.), Greek Literary Epigram, Oxford: OUP 2019, 35-50.
"Greek Inscribed Epigram" (with I. Petrovic), in: Oxford Bibliographies Online, obo-9780195389661-0334, April 2019.
"Do seize, do eat, do touch – but mind your thoughts. Colossians and Greek purity regulations", in: J. Verheyden et al., Epigraphical Evidence Illustrating Paul's Letter to the Colossians, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2018, 147-60.
"The Materiality of Text: An Introduction", in: A. Petrovic / I. Petrovic / E.V. Thomas (eds.), The Materiality of Text: placements, presences and perceptions of inscribed text in classical antiquity, Boston/Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers, 2018, 1-26.
"Catabasis in Hesiod’s Theogony" (with I. Petrovic), in: G. Ekroth / I. Nilsson (eds.), Roundtrip to Hades, visits to the underworld in the eastern Mediterranean traditions. Boston/Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers, 2018, 57-81.
- "Purity of body and soul in the cult of Athena Lindia: On the eastern background of Greek abstentions" (with. I. Petrovic), in: M. Carbon / S. Peels (eds.), Purity and Purification in the Ancient Greek World: Texts, Rituals, and Norms.Liège: Kernos Supplements, 2018, 225-58.
- "Casualty Lists in Performance. Name Catalogues and Greek Verse-Inscriptions," in: F. Montanari / A. Rengakos / E. Sistakou (eds.), Dialect, Diction and Style in Greek Literary and Inscribed Epigram. Trends in Classics 9. Berlin-New York: De Gruyter 2016, 359-88.
- "Archaic Funerary Epigram and Hektor’s Imagined Epitymbia," in: A. Efstathiou / I. Karamanou (eds.), Homeric Receptions: Literature and the Performing Arts. Berlin-New York: De Gruyter 2016, 45-58.
- "Greek Sacred Laws," in: J. Kindt, / E. Eidinow / R. Osborne (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Ancient Greek Religion. Oxford et al.: OUP 2015, 339-52.
- "Kommentar zu den Epitymbia Poseidipps," (Introduction and eps. 42-50), in: B. Seidensticker / A. Staehli / A. Wessels (eds.), Poseidippos. Die neuen Epigramme. Darmstadt: WBG 2015, 183-211.
- "On Ritual Pollution by Seeing: I.Lindos II 487.1-3 and Hdt. 2.37.5," Gephyra. Journal for the Ancient History and Cultures of the Eastern Mediterranean 11, 2014 (with I. Petrovic), 29-36.
- "Authority and Generic Heterogeneity of Greek Sacred Regulations," in: W. Eck / P. Funke (eds.), Öffentlichkeit, Monument, Text. Akten des XIV Congressus internationalis epigraphiae Graecae et Latinae. Berlin 2014 (with I. Petrovic), 626-8.
- "Sacred laws," in: Bagnall, R., Brodersen, K., Champion, C.B., Erskine, A. & Huebner, S.R. (eds.), The Encyclopedia of Ancient History. Blackwell Publishing 2013, 3966–7.
- "The Battle of Marathon in Pre-Herodotean Sources," in: Ch. Carey / M. Edwards (eds.), Marathon – 2,500 Years. London: Institute of Classical Studies, BICS Suppl. 124, 2013, 45-61.
- "An Epigram and a Treasury: on Sim. FGE XXXIIIb," Classical Quarterly, 63.2, 2013, 864-868.
- "Inscribed Epigram in Orators and Epigrammatic Collections," in: P. Low / P. Liddel (eds.), Inscriptions and their Uses in Greek and Latin Literature, Oxford: OUP, 2013, 197-214.
- "Tieropferrituale in den griechischen Zauberpapyri aus ästhetischer Sicht," in: A. Bierl / A. Honold (eds.), Ästhetik des Opfers. Zeichen und Handlungen in Ritual und Spiel. München: W. Fink Verlag, 2012, 35-62.
- "Sepulchral Epigram for Philadelphos (a Fallen Soldier?)," Mnemosyne 63.4, 2010, 616-624.
- "Two New Honorary Epigrams for Pollion of Aphrodisias," ZPE 172, 2010, (with P. DeStaebler and M. Skountakis), 38-42.
- "True Lies of Athenian Public Epigrams: Rituals, Half-Truths and Propaganda in the Aftermath of the Persian Wars," in: M. Baumbach, / A. Petrovic / I. Petrovic (eds.), Archaic and Classical Greek Epigram, Cambridge: CUP, 2010, 202-215.
- "Introduction to Archaic and Classical Epigram," in: M. Baumbach / A. Petrovic / I. Petrovic (eds.), Archaic and Classical Greek Epigram, Cambridge: CUP, 2010 (with M. Baumbach and I. Petrovic), 1-20.
- "Epigrammatic Contests, Poeti Vaganti and Local History," in: R. Hunter / I. Rutherford (eds.), Wandering Poets in Ancient Greek Culture: Travel, Locality and Panhellenism. Cambridge: CUP, 2009, 161-183.
- "Inscribed Epigram in Pre-Hellenistic Literary Sources," in: P. Bing / J. Bruss (eds.), Down to Philipp: The Brill Companion to Hellenistic Epigram. Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2007, 48-68.
- "Look Who’s Talking Now: Speaker and Communication in Greek Metrical Sacred Regulations," in: E. Stavrianopoulou (ed.), Ritual and Communication. Suppl. 16, Liège : Kernos Suppl. 16, 2006 (with I. Petrovic), 111-139.
- "'Kunstvolle Stimme der Steine, sprich!' Zur Intermedialität der griechischen epideiktischen Epigramme," Antike und Abendland 51, 2005, 30-42.
- "Under Full Sail: Trimalchio’s Way into Eternity," Acta Antiqua 45, 2005, 85-90.
- "Akoè e autopsía. Zu den Quellen Herodots für die Thermopylai-Epigramme (Hdt. 7,228)," in: A. Hornung / Ch. Jäkel / W. Schubert (eds.), Studia humanitatis ac litterarum trifolio Heidelbergensi dedicata. Festschrift für E. Christmann, W. Edelmeier, R. Kettemann. Frankfurt: W. Fink Verlag, 2004, 255-273.
- "Stop and Smell the Statues. Callimachus Ep. 51. Pf. Reconsidered (Four Times)," Materiali e Discussioni 51, 2003 (with I. Petrovic), 179-208.
- "Bemerkungen zur Sprache des Wächters in der sophokleischen Antigone anhand seines ersten Auftritts (223ff.)," Museum Helveticum 60, 2003, 193-209.
- "Der simonideische makròs lógos und die sophokleische Antigone. Zur Identifizierung einer alten dramatischen Gestaltungsweise," Phaos: Revista de Estudos Clássicos 2, 2002, 121-131.
Journal issues
- Greece and Rome, 64.2- present, with:
- General Review', Greece and Rome 70.1, 2023, 167-174.
- General Review', Greece and Rome 69.1, 2022,171-178.
- 'General Review', Greece and Rome 68.1, 2021, 165-172.
- 'General Review', Greece and Rome 67.2, 2020, 299-306.
- 'General Review', Greece and Rome 67.1, 2020, 130-137.
- 'General Review', Greece and Rome 66.2, 2019, 344-352.
- 'General Review', Greece and Rome 66.1, 2019, 171-78;
- 'General Review', Greece and Rome 65.2, 2018, 289-97;
- 'General Review', Greece and Rome 65.1, 2018, 145-54;
- 'General Review', Greece and Rome 64.2, 2017, 230-8.
I was born in what is today Croatia, got my diploma in Classics at Belgrade University (Serbia), and a PhD from Heidelberg University. Before joining UVA I taught at Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich for a year, Ruprecht-Karls University of Heidelberg for three years, and spent a decade at Durham University in the North East of England. In my free time, I enjoy walks with my dog, Alfie.