Jane Crawford
Professor of Classics and author of two books on Cicero, M. Tullius Cicero: The Lost and Unpublished Speeches, and M. Tullius Cicero: The Fragmentary Speeches, as well as articles on Cicero, Clodius, Boudicca and St. Radegunde of France. She has recently published a new commentary on Cicero's Pro Caelio (with Elizabeth Keitel, 2010). She is Co-Chair for higher education of the AP Latin Test Development Committee, and also served on the Curriculum Review Committee; which produced the new Caesar-Vergil AP Latin syllabus and exam, along with teacher development materials. Her current research interests include the Ciceronian scholiasts, Cicero's Letters, the works of Caesar, and Roman satirists.
Research Interests
I have always loved Cicero and have worked on various aspects of his oratory since graduate school. I have published several books on the great orator (Lost and Unpublished Speeches, 1984; Fragmentary peeches, 1994; an edition and commentary on thePro Caelio(with Elizabeth Keitel), 2010.I am now interested in the scholia on his speeches, especially the Bobbio scholiast, and I am working on translating the very fragmented text of his commentary on 12 of Cicero's orations, as well as the commentaries of Pseudo-Asconius on the Verrines. So Cicero remains the main focus of my ongoing work, but I am also interested in beginning to do some research on Julius Caesar; I published a little article on him (Classical Outlook 89 (2013)), and I have a project in mind to study the some of the crazier tribunes of the late republic. I am definitely a prose person, but I really like Juvenal, too.
Selected Publications
- The Horace's Villa Project, 1997-2003. Edited by B. Frischer, J. Crawford, and M. De Simone. 2 vols.(pp. i-xxvii, 1-1032) Oxford: Archaeopress, 2006.
- M. Tullius Cicero: The Fragmentary Speeches. Scholar's Press(APA), 1994
- M. Tullius Cicero: The Lost and Unpublished Orations. Goettingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 1984.
- "Cicerone: Le Orazioni Perdute e Le Orazioni Frammentarie," in Eloquenza e Astuzie della Persuasione in Cicerone, Atti del V Symposium Ciceronianum Arpinas, Arpino, 7 Maggio 2004, ed. E. Narducci, 23-41.
- "The Lost and Fragmentary Speeches," in A Companion to the Study of Cicero, ed. James May. Leiden: Brill, 2002, 302-330.
- "Cartimandua, Boudicca and Jael: Women Warriors in Twice Told Tales."Ingeborg Rennert Center for Jerusalem Studies, 2001, 1-18.
I did my undergraduate work at Smith College and Boston University (BA Latin 1968), and received all my graduate degrees from UCLA (MA Latin 1974; MA Greek, 1976; Ph.D. Classics, 1981). I taught at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles for more than 20 years before joining the faculty at the University of Virginia in 2004. I was a Fellow of the American Academy in Rome in 1982, and a resident in Classics there in 1996; I also spent the academic year 1988-89 as a Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton. I have been a member of the AP Latin Test Development Committee and a Reader for the AP exam, and I am currently serving as a member of the SAT II Latin Test Development Committee for the Educational Testing Service. My husband, Bernard Frischer, and I enjoy spending time in Rome and traveling in Italy and Europe; I like to read mystery novels and do jigsaw puzzles whenever I can.