Study Abroad
The faculty in Classics encourage the majors to study abroad, during regular term or during the summer. Our students regularly take advantage of such opportunities in Greece, Italy, and the United Kingdom.
Our faculty have professional ties with several such programs and can knowledgeably advise students on the programs that will best suit their interests. We also provide for our majors a program each fall during which the study-abroad programs are described and majors who have participated in these programs relate their experiences.
Each year the Francis Lazenby Travelling Fellowship of about $3000 to $4000 is awarded each year to eligible Classics majors to support travel to the classical lands.
The University is a member of the Intercollegiate Center for Classical Studies in Rome (the Centro) and of the American School of Classical Studies in Athens, both of which offer summer and/or regular term courses. Several of our students have also attended the program of College Year in Athens.