Sarah Herbert
Office Address: Cocke Hall B011
Research Interests
My research interests include Greek and Roman historiography and epic poetry, with a particular interest in the importance of georgic metaphor and imagery, especially in Xenophon and Vergil. My professional talks have included “Herodotus the Gift” (Classical Association of Virginia, September 2020) and “Socrates and Tantalus in Xenophon’s Oeconomicus” (CAMWSS, October 2018). I am the co-chair of the e-newsletter, Ecoclassical Caucus.
I completed my BA at Rice University (English and Math Science) in 1983. After some misspent years in such activities as the practice of law and legal editing, I received my PhD in Classics from the University of Virginia in 2017, with a dissertation titled The Philosopher and the Farmer: Spatial Metaphor in Three Conversations in Euripides, Plato, and Xenophon. I sometimes attend the occasional workshop to improve my skills in paper marbling and bookbinding.